Welcome Painting People

Thank you for taking the time to check out my Blog

This is going to be Just one of the ways that you can check out all of my Paint Pouring Secrets !!

If this is your first time here , I am Nicole , Owner of this this fine Shop (Nicla Creations)

Where I help you create your own Masterpiece! The first way that I can help you is by sharing my Knowledge on this BLOG so you can avoid the costly mistakes and get your best paintings right off the bat !

Secondly if Video is more your style you can check out the Shorts or long form videos on my Youtube

Lastly if you need a bit of more assistance , JOIN the facebook group to get help from my Community of over 5 THOUSAND members !

I have so much info to share so please don’t be shy! If you have any questions or topic ideas please feel free to share them in the form below!

Cant Wait to See you soon

Happy Pouring ,



Paint Pouring With Very Little Supplies